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[IMPORTANT] Policy of server cancellation

Server and VPS Subscription Cancellation Policy

First and foremost, we would like to emphasize that we do not want to lose our valued clients. If you've found a more attractive or beneficial offer elsewhere, please inform us by creating a ticket. We're confident that we can find a mutually beneficial solution that will keep you as our client and spare you the need to relocate and reconfigure your websites. If you're considering cancellation due to financial reasons, we're always willing to discuss payment deferment. Simply create a ticket and let us know. If your decision is final, please review our cancellation policy below.

If you're a dedicated server user, subscription cancellation must be implemented no less than 15 days before the end of the rental period. The exception is our own servers of the NL3 and RU-xx series. This requirement is imposed not by us, but by the data centers with which we cooperate, so we ask you to comply with this rule.

If you're a VPS user, you can cancel your subscription at any time before the end of the rental period. Please spare a minute to formalize the cancellation, otherwise the system will continue to generate payment bills for at least 35 days until we finally delete the VPS. Who needs extra email reminders?

When cancelling, please make sure to provide the reason. This helps us better understand our and your challenges and enables the search for solutions to retain you as our client.


  • Subscription cancellations MUST be made via the ticket system! Refusals sent through ICQ/Email/Skype/Livechat are not accepted!
  • If you haven't cancelled the subscription within the specified period, the cancellation is not accepted. You will have to pay for the next month of server usage. The maximum we can offer is the possibility of installment payment.

Remember: The minimum service rental period is 1 month. If the rental is terminated early at your initiative, funds are not refunded. If you're uncertain, use the free trial period. If you're rejecting the service and the server was paid for more than 1 month, we can offer a refund to the balance within the system or after the end of the paid period. Money refund to payment systems is not carried out or is carried out in exceptional cases, the decision is made by management, excluding the commission.

Example of server cancellation request: "Hello, I want to cancel the server at the end of the paid period. Server IP: xx.xx.xx.xx Cancellation reason: please provide the reason. This is important to us, and we may be able to offer you alternatives."

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