Портал > База знаний > Правила сервиса > [IMPORTANT] Rules of rent payment for dedicated servers and VPS

[IMPORTANT] Rules of rent payment for dedicated servers and VPS

Dear customers, please familiarize yourself with our service payment rules.

US and US2 series servers must be paid for 15 days before the end of the rental period, i.e., immediately upon receipt of the invoice. If you are unable to pay for the service in a timely manner, create a ticket and notify us. If the invoice is not paid, we reserve the right to refuse further extension at the data center.

VPS and servers of other series (DE, RU, UA, NL3) must be paid by the end of the rental period. If you are unable to pay for the service in a timely manner, create a ticket and notify us, and we will provide you with a delay.

Invoices for services are issued 15 days before the end of the rental period and are paid automatically if there are enough funds on the balance. The invoice must be paid by the date indicated in the invoice.

In case of non-payment, we suspend your servers/VPS according to the following schedule:

  • Disconnection of US1, US2 servers - on the day of the end of the rental. We recommend keeping track of timely payments as late payments make it impossible to restore the server.
  • Disconnection of DE, RU, NL3 servers - 72 hours after the end of the rental, removal if necessary 24 hours after disconnection.
  • VPS disconnection - 3 days after the end of the rental, removal (without the possibility of recovery) after 30 days or earlier, if there is a need to free up resources.

Late payment penalty - 10% of the server or VPS cost is charged after 15 days of delay. If you don't want to pay a penalty, create a delay ticket in advance to avoid both the penalty and server blocking.

We do not use the system of recurrent payments on our site. Therefore, we recommend that you monitor timely payments for server/VPS rental services. If you cannot pay for the server/VPS on time, please warn us about it through the ticket system http://cp.inferno.name/submitticket.php. If you want to change the payment date to any that suits you, you can discuss it through the ticket system.

We are not responsible for the consequences caused by blocking or deleting a server or VPS due to late payment. Blocking and deletion are solely your responsibility.

IMPORTANT #1: Blocking is not a refusal of service, nor is it a reason to refuse a server.

IMPORTANT #2: For the days when the server/VPS was blocked, payment should also be made. If your server/VPS is blocked but not yet removed, its inclusion is possible only after full payment of the debt. The rental date does not change. Claims on the topic "why should I pay if my server has not worked all these days" are not accepted, as it did not work solely due to your fault, and timely payment was required for its operation.

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